Package glmodel

Class Summary
GL_3DS_Importer Import a 3DS file into a GL_Model object.
GL_3DS_Reader Reads a 3DS file (3D Studio Max) into ArrayLists.
GL_Matrix Define a 4x4 matrix, and provide functions to create common matrices for 3D operations, such as rotate, scale and translate.
GL_Mesh Holds a mesh object containing triangles and vertices.
GL_OBJ_Reader Based on by Jeremy Adams (elias4444) august 2005 Read an OBJ file into ArrayLists which can then be imported into a final mesh class.
GL_Triangle Describes a triangular face.
GL_Vector A 3D vector, with functions to perform common vector math operations.
GL_Vertex Vertex contains an xyz position, and a list of neighboring triangles.
GLMaterial Wraps properties for a material.
GLMaterialLib Loads a library of materials from a .mtl file into an array of GLMaterial objects.
GLModel This class loads and renders a mesh from an OBJ file format.