GLART Week 1 Assignment: Setup Eclipse Project First we want to get a simple OpenGL application running. To do this we need to install Eclipse, create a project, then download the project files and test them out. Here are the steps: 1) install java If you already have Java version 1.5 or later installed you can skip this. I followed the default install options for the latest Java version. 2) download eclipse. download "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" (be sure to choose Mac or Windows version) 3) unzip eclipse archive On the PC I unzipped the eclipse archive into a folder The eclipse executable is in the eclipse folder 4) Start Eclipse click OK to accept the workspace folder, or choose a new folder Remember this folder, since this is where we'll put source code for our project. If you're new to Eclipse you can try out the "Hello World" tutorial (click the Tutorials icon on the first eclipse screen), otherwise just click the X to close the Welcome tab 5) Copy project files into workspace folder GLART_2010 Download the project files from: Unzip these files into the Eclipse workspace folder (will create a GLART_2010 folder) 6) Create a new project in the menu choose: File | New | Project click Java Project click Next enter the project name: GLART_2010 be sure Create New Project in Workspace is checked click Next click Finish make sure you have selected the "Package Explorer" tab in the left side area you should see GLART_2010 in the project list 7) Set the Java compiler version to 5 Right click GLART_2010 project name in left sidebar Click Properties click Java Compiler in Properties window list on left click Enable Project Specific Settings change compiler compliance level to 5.0 click OK choose Yes to rebuild the project 8) Set the location of the JOGL native libes Right click GLART_2010 project name in left sidebar Click Properties click Java Build Path in Properties window list on left click the Libraries tab find Jogl.jar in the list and click the + next to it to expand click the Native library location line click the Edit button on the right enter GLART_2010/lib click OK Repeat for the opengl.jar entry click OK when done 9) View the java source code click + next to "GLART_2010" project name to expand click + next to "src" click the + next to "demo" double-click "" to open it 10) Run the application While viewing the file, click "Run" on the top menu bar click "Run As" click "Java app" you should see a window open with a white triangle on a black background