GLART Week 6

Midterm Assignment

We'll work on this assignment for two weeks, so now is a good time to choose something
that you would like to accomplish in OpenGL and try it out.  The goal of the next two
weeks is to use the techniques that we've covered so far, and to apply these to create
a scene, an effect, an animation, or something else that you cook up.

Your program should:

	Load at least one model
	Use at least two materials
	Use at least one texture
	Use at least one light
	Include an orthographic and a perspective view
		For instance you could use ortho to draw a background image or draw an overlay
		on top of a scene, or have a keystroke that switches between ortho and perspective,
		or use multiple viewports to render in both ortho and perspective.
	Animate the scene in some way.
	Completely fill the screen! No black backgrounds!

If you're not sure what to do, try making a scene with some of the models that I
posted with the class notes.  Browse through the website resources.  Look for interesting
objects and textures, and think of a simple scene or arrangement involving these objects.

This does not have to be "realistic", it can be abstract if you like.

Think about the lighting qualities, the surfaces, materials, the textures, patterns,
colors, and how they will relate.  What sort of space do you want to create, what sort
of perspective (or possibly no perspective) do you want?

Look at how light has been used in paintings (example images of paintings are on the
class notes page).  Think about what sort of color and light quality you would
like to create.

And think of motion.  How will the objects move, or how will the viewpoint move in
relation to the objects.

See if you can have the basics of your design working by next week.